Mechanical Engineering

Technology in Perfection

NOMOTEC Automation, with its headquarters in Wolkersdorf near Vienna, is specialized in the production of highly efficient production lines and machine tools. We plan and build individual new systems and upgrade, modify or modernize existing systems for our clients in the automotive and automotive supply industry as well as in the metalworking industry.

Modifications and optimizations

We further focus on modifications and optimizations of existing systems. Our employees have the competence and know-how to match performance and functionality with continually changing production requirements. Our aim is to guarantee economic use and safe running of production lines in the long term.

Cooperations and networks

Techco-Electrics ETS s.r.o

Our partner is a leading manufacturer of
switchgear, transfer stations and distribution stations.

Baumgartner Automation GmbH

Our partner for electrics and software.
Our experts for intelligent system controls, automation and electrical engineering.


Stirg metall d.o.o.

Our partner for high-quality production parts and individual solutions in state-of-the-art metalworking.

We are a partner of the Automotive Cluster (AC) of Business Upper Austria – a cross-industry network of the automotive sector.



Planning, development, manufacture and sales of special machines and automation systems